Friday, September 7, 2018

CSS Paper Past Computer Sciecne MCQs [2003]

CSS 2003

8--(A) Write only True or False in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the question. (1x10)

(1) A feature of an operating system that allows more than one program to run simultaneously is called Multitasking. 

(2) A trackball operates like a joystick on its back. It is extremely useful when there isn't enough space to use a mouse,

(3) Digitizing Tablet is a 'special Input device that is mainly used to digitize vector-oriented design or pictures.
True not completely sure 

(4) Dedicated line is a high-speed cable line that is not permanently wired into the internet.

(5) A Router is a network device that helps LANs and WANs achieve interoperability and connectivity and they can link LANs that have different network topologies, such as Ethernet and Token Ring.

(6) Internet Protocol is a routable protocol in the backbone that is responsible for IP addressing, routing, and the fragmentation and reassembly of IP packets.

(7) Telnet is an Internet connection that enables a user to terminate an active connection with a computer at a reroute site.

(8) ESD stands for Electronic Static Distance
. False
(9) IRQ is Interrupt Request. True

(10) Copyright computer programs made available on trial basis are called shareware. True

(B) Please choose the most appropriate answer from the given set of answers. . (.1x5)
(11) What is the long form of 'CMOS'?
(a) Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 
(b) Complex Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(c) Controller Metal Oxide Semiconductor
(d) Complimentary Metal Oxide Sets.

(12) What is a Y-Connector? '
(a) A'Y-Shaped splitter cable that divides a source input into two output signals.
(b) A Y-Shaped splitter connector that divides a source input into two output signals.
(c) A Y-Shaped splitter card that divides'a source input into two output signals.
(d) None of the above. 

(13) What do you mean by IBM-Compatible'?
(a) A computer that has a processor that is compatible vvith the original IBM PC.
(b) A computer that has a processor that is similar to original IBM PC
(c) A computer that has a casing that is similar original IBM PC.
(d) None of the above

(14) What do you mean by "virtual? Select' all that apply:
(a) In general, it distinguishes something that is merely conceptual from something that has physical reality,
(b) Real
(c) Not real. 
(d) None of the above

(15) Select correct statement describing a term 'stateless'?
(a) Having all information about what occurred previously
(b) Having some information about what occurred previously
(c) Having no information about what occurred previously
(d) Having new information about what occurred previously

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