Friday, September 7, 2018

Expected Essay CE-2019

 Water Crisis in Pakistan

1. Introduction
a. Water, a natural and indispensable gift for survival
b. Why is water so essential for Pakistan?
c. Pakistan water capacity (147MAF)
d. Existing infrastructure (2 huge water reservoirs,19 barrages,48 big irrigation canals,0.9 million tube wells)
e. Current situation in Pakistan

2. Causes of Water Crisis in Pakistan
a. Changing weather pattern
b. Indian invasions on Pakistan water resources
c. Poor management of existing resources
d. Sedimentation of existing reservoirs
e. Limited capacity of storage
f. Lining of water channels
g. Population explosion
3. Impacts due to Water Crisis in Pakistan
a. Inter-provincial disharmony
b. Ever decreasing agriculture output
c. Time and again floods
d. Severe shortage of agriculture and portable water
e. Encroachment of coastal areas
f. Unemployment
g. Limited hydro power production
h. Industrial backwardness
  Threat for wild-life
4. Measures to Improve Water Management
a. Comprehensive management of water
b. Renovation of existing infrastructure
c. Implementation of Indus-water basin treaty in letter and spirit
d. Rising the level of dams
e. Augmentation of existing resources
f. IRSA (Indus River System Authority) should be made on effective institution
g. Construction of macro and mini dams
h. Implementation of modern irrigation techniques.(drip and sprinkle)
5. Conclusion:

Outline by CSP Mureed Hussain Jasra
CSPS : Civil Services Preparatory School

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